The Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education curriculum at Stone Hill School is aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks – a framework of excellence, based on national and international research defining all the elements of very best practice.

As a school, we understand the importance of providing all our pupils with the skills and knowledge required to make effective decisions; especially in relation to future education, training and employment options. At Stone Hill School, we have high aspirations for all our pupils. We believe that a well-structured and highly effective programme of Careers and Education Guidance (CEG) will play a key role in how we prepare our young people for a safe, independent life.

Stone Hill School has both a dedicated Careers Lead and an Enterprise Lead who are the key points of contact for all partners contributing to the Careers, Employability and Enterprise programme. By working in partnership with external agencies and employers we will provide workplace experiences, accurate and targeted careers information, advice and guidance tailored to individual needs to enable our young people to make informed choices about their future career routes. We work closely with Doncaster Careers Hub to continually strengthen our CEG and keep up to date with careers, employability and enterprise opportunities for our pupils. You can find a copy of our Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education Policy here.

Visit our Careers Intent page to understand what happens at the Key Stages

Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education Team

Sam Ludlam, Careers Lead and Employer Support:

Lydia Bambrough, Careers Lead and Employer Support:

Rebecca Lea, Enterprise Lead:

Mike Gallafent, Governor for Careers, Employability and Enterprise:

Caroline Brown, Work Experience Co-ordinator:

School contact number: 01302 800090

Our key aim is for pupils to develop a real understanding, of careers and work-related information that develops their sense of enquiry not only about careers and further education but also an awareness of how the skills developed in school are applicable and integral ingredients in the modern workplace. The curriculum leader from each subject area works closely with the Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education team to establish links between classroom learning, employability skills, and future career planning from Year 1 and throughout school.

At key transition reviews in Years 9 and 11, pupils meet with Carol Carr (Transition Support Advisor). Interest and aspirations and pathways for continuing education and employment are discussed. This provides an opportunity to receive effective guidance for transition into further education, training and employment.

Our overarching aims are to work with external agencies, employers and parents/carers in order to:

  • Contribute to strategies for raising achievement, especially by increasing motivation.

  • Provide emphasis on the relevance of numeracy and literacy as fundamental components of everyday employment in the 21st Century.

  • Encourage pupils to become reflective learners who are self-aware of their strengths, skills and attributes and how these link to career and life planning.

  • Support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity.

  • Encourage participation in continued learning, including higher education.

  • Develop enterprise and employability skills.

  • Make clear to pupils how their behaviour, attendance and learning skills are inherently linked to their careers prospects and future prosperity.

The main body of the statutory guidance uses the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks with information on how to achieve each one.



  • Develop an invaluable set of life and employability skills essential for a successful career.

  • Develop an awareness of their individual strengths, weaknesses, skills and abilities and how these link to possible careers, future education and training.

  • Ensure that they are well briefed on careers and work related learning so they can make informed choices about their future lives.

  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour, attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning in order to support them.

Parents / Carers

  • To be fully involved by supporting School in its development of the CEG curriculum.

  • CEG delivery should be supported with home-based discussions, where parents and carers actively work with students on career planning and life skill tasks.

  • Where possible parents and carers can work with the school though providing local support in the form of guest speakers.

  • Support and assist in arranging work experience and industry visits.


  • Ensuring that they provide timely and purposeful conversations relating to careers and relate aspects of their lessons back to employability.

  • Ensure that they support the delivery of the CEG that is relevant to their own subject area’s schemes of work and promotion of meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks.

  • To act as role models for pupils in developing attitudes that will act as the foundation stones for motivating students to be lifelong learners.


  • To work with the school to offer industry visits, work experience and employer encounters.

  • To deliver workshops to give taster sessions of different industries.

  • To educate Stone Hill pupils on pathways into employment being transparent with qualifications experience requirements.

We are keen to make links with new employers who would like to work with Stone Hill School and offer industry visits, work experience and employer encounters. We recognise that some employers may need training, support and guidance to feel confident to work effectively with a person with additional needs. We can support you every step of the way to ensure that you will be equip with the appropriate knowledge, resources and skill set. We are happy to work with employers to upskill staff and help be disability aware.

If you are an employer who wish work with the pupils at Stone Hill to support with an element of the CEG curriculum, please contact:
Sam Ludlum or, Lydia Bambrough

Provider Access policy (Stone Hill School & Post 16)

Click to find our Provider Access Form.

Gatsby Benchmarks

We are committed to ensuring that our careers and employability provision continues to meet the requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks. The Careers and Employability programme is updated annually. The Compass evaluation tool, created in partnership between the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, assists us in identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Preparing for Employment – Development of Essential Skills

It has never been more important to build a set of essential skills to succeed in life for our children and young people: the ability to creatively solve problems, to self-manage, to communicate effectively, and to work well with others. These are skills that are needed to do almost anything well and thrive in life beyond school. They are skills which empower learning.

At Stone Hill School we use two frameworks to enable us to carefully plan for and interweave these essential skills across all areas of the curriculum; Learning behaviours and Skills Builder.

Learning Behaviours are tracked across Lower School. These essential skills are categorised as; Reflective Learning, Effective Participator, Independent Enquirer, Team Worker, Resourceful Thinker and being a Self-Manager. These are the basic skills which most decisively influence children’s progress and outcomes. To see and overview of Learning Behaviours click here and to see how these skills are progressively planned please click here.

In Upper School, essential skills are planned for and tracked using Skills Builder. Skills Builder define the essential skills as: Listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork.

The Skills Builder Programme provides a structured approach to skill development, ensuring a consistent path from upper school to post-16 employment. The program emphasizes applying skills in practical, "real-life" settings through enterprise projects, work experience and internships ensuring learners gain valuable experience. The programme aligns perfectly with Stone Hill's vision and values, demonstrating its commitment to equipping learners with essential life skills. We believe in enriching student experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. using essential skills to underpin the curriculum. Stone Hill believes that by developing crucial life skills, learners will gain the confidence and skills needed for a successful transition into adulthood. Stone Hill is committed to inspiring learners to aim high and achieve their full potential. We emphasize the role of teaching in building confidence, providing a supportive environment for learning. For more information about Skills Builder please click here.

To view the expanded Skills Builder framework please click here.

Useful Links

The Careers and Enterprise Company

The Careers and Enterprise Company exists to facilitate a world-class careers education, inspiring and preparing young people for the world of work.

Jed (Job Explorer Database)

Jed allows you to explore different career options, answer questions to get ideas, and find out which jobs might suit you. Please contact school for access code.


Learn about the world of work and develop knowledge, skills and experience to fulfil your potential.

Career Development Institute (CDI Framework)

The CDI framework provides schools and colleges with a structure for identifying needs, designing and delivering learning and assessing the immediate impact of their careers, employability and enterprise programme.

Information Last Reviewed: 8th October 2024

Information Next Review Date: February 2025

If you would like to feedback on this information that is displayed on this page of the website, please get in touch with the school Career Leader: Sam Ludlam via email: