Our approach to communication
Providing opportunities to develop communication skills is an important element of our curriculum here at Stone Hill. Many of our pupils’ experience difficulties with communication, whether that be social communication and interaction or aspects of speech and language acquisition.
Some pupils are highlighted as having severe communication needs and therefore require communication intervention.
Some of our pupils are working at developing specific communication skills and are taught and assessed using a ‘Communication Curriculum’ which has been devised and added onto Educater. This focusses on the following areas; Social interaction, emotional understanding, oral motor coordination, receptive language and expressive language.
Class interventions include use of Colourful semantics, specific SaLT intervention targets and/or staff facilitating play following evidence based research that language acquisition will develop after important play and attention skills are learnt. (see appendix 1)
Many of our pupils access support from the speech and language therapy service. The school is supported by a Speech and Language Therapist who comes into school regularly to assess and review targets. These targets are then worked on by identified Teaching Assistants, known as Communication Champions, within school.
Communication Champions
The following staff have agreed to become a Communication Champions. This role involves delivering set activities to meet a child’s speech and language target, attending specific training and liaising with the SENCO as well as other staff in school about children’s progress.
Mrs D Gill
Miss L Hammond
Mrs A Piecuch
Mrs V Morton
Mrs M Hughes
Miss J Burns
Mrs N Hackford
Mrs C Brown
Mr J Glynn
Staff Continued Professional Development
Colourful Semantics
Overview: It is aimed at helping children to develop their grammar but it is rooted in the meaning of words (semantics).
Overview: The aim is for school staff to develop an understanding of speech and pronunciation difficulties and to develop strategies to support children with speech and pronunciation difficulties.
Nuffield Early Language Development
Overview: The Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) is a 20-week programme for children who show weakness in their oral language skills and who are therefore at risk of experiencing difficulty with reading. Developed by a team of academic experts and underpinned by evidence demonstrating a positive impact on children. The course will be delivered 30mins x per week to pupils with weak receptive and expressive language skills. (to be decided)
How the interventions will work within school will be depending on the training and how we wish to use it to meet our needs.
How staff and parents are supported
All communication champions have their own group e-mail address; communicationchampions@stonehillsch.co.uk where regular information, research and training opportunities are sent.
Mrs Leithgoe will liaise with Speech and Language Team on a twice monthly (at least) basis.
Parental Communication Champions are added as a group through SEESAW