Modern and Foreign Languages (MFL)
At Stone Hill School the MFL curriculum is informed by the national curriculum, adapted in design to ensure pupils are able to access their learning and apply it in different contexts. The curriculum has been broken down into key topic areas which are progressive each year with meaningful cross curricular in topic and across all year groups. Trips and enrichment sessions provide pupils with experiences that allow them to apply and embed knowledge. This approach allows pupils to remember more, know more and do more, developing their confidence in the key skills covered by the curriculum.
MFL at Stone Hill has been designed to spark the curiosity of pupils so that they learn key language elements alongside developing vital communication, research and life skills that can be applied across the curriculum. Active participation allows students to, for example, explore different foods in a café role play, to virtually explore monuments around the world and to access editing software on the green screen; learning is memorable. Pupils have opportunities to pair with another local school to develop friendships as well as their language skills. They showcase their learning to Lower School pupils through festival days.
We follow pupil voice in giving pupils the opportunity to research the language and culture of another country, celebrating the diverse world we live in. Knowledge and skills are developed progressively from Year 7 to Year 10. Skills developed contribute to the attainment of Prince’s Trust Awards and ASDAN qualifications. Pupils develop vital life skills such as speaking, listening and problem solving which prepare them for employment, further education or training. An example of this is when pupils plan and deliver presentations to their peers, giving and receiving constructive feedback.
In promoting independence, pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning. Knowledge organisers and phonetic prompt sheets help to develop independent learning skills. Completing a class learning journal prompts and aids recall of prior learning. Speaking tasks are recorded so that pupils are able to access their prior learning, supporting their ongoing progress. Parent and carer engagement sessions are enjoyed and learning is shared via the Seesaw app. This provides a platform for discussion at home, supporting pupils in sharing their learning experiences. Pupil progress is monitored through cumulative half-termly teacher assessments.
Please click the link below to download the MFL Curriculum map
Long term plans available on request.